"פעם התביישתי בשומנים שלי. היום אני גאה בהם"
כשמדברים על "גוף של יוגה", מתכוונים בדרך כלל לבלרינה גבעולית וענוגה שנושאת בגאון מזרן מגולגל בדרך להשוויץ קצת בסטודיו. התמונות הבאות - כולן של נשים שמתרגלות יוגה באופן קבוע - מותחות את גבולות המושג, ומעניקה לכולנו שיעור בגמישות (מחשבתית ופיזית כאחד).
"יוגה נתנה לי את היכולת לראות את גופי בזכות מה שהוא יכול לעשות, ולא רק איך שהוא נראה. עכשיו אני מעריכה את הגוף שלי במקום לבקר אותו".
I was tagged so long ago to contribute to #myyogabody. Yoga has given me the ability to see my body for what it can do instead of the way it looks; it lets me appreciate it instead of criticize it. I've spent most of my life not really sure of how I looked. It is hard to see yourself clearly when you're so sure you're "fat" or "ugly" etc. I am more secure in myself now than I was when I was thin. I have stretch marks and belly fat and a few scattered beauty marks. My smile is crooked, I have many scars, and my knees have been scrapped so many times the skin will always be darker than the rest of me. I don't have a single defined muscle and I've always wanted green eyes instead of brown but all of this is okay. The wants come and go. I can call these differences mine and I feel the strength and balance that's been cultivated. I know this body is capable of so much. It's been through three years of serious illness, it's afflicted everyday by autoimmune conditions, it's created a life and brought that life here (even though I was told that wouldn't be possible), it's healed and is stronger than I can ever remember it being. I eat pizza and cookies and I love a lazy afternoon. I didn't always care for my body. There were times I severely mistreated it but it is appreciated and cared for now. I am still here because my body continued when my mind gave up. The body doesn't give up the way the mind does. The mind will talk itself out of something and convince itself it is worthless but the body will continue until it truly can't. I've learned to appreciate things here physically and to appreciate the body for giving me that ability regardless of its illness or it's pain or the way it looks. I could even say I appreciate it more because of all the things it struggles with and still overcomes. There is no body more meant for yoga or more meant for love than another. The moment we realize our bodies are right as they are is the moment when we shift our focus on health, happiness, and harmony; it is the moment we let go of guilt, judgment, and criticism.// end cheesy #bodypositive post. // #showmeyourpump #t1d
A photo posted by starve the ego, feed the soul (@lifewith_sylas) on May 1, 2015 at 12:04pm PDT
"לא רציתי שהילדים שלי יעריכו את עצמם פחות בגלל שאני לא מעריכה את עצמי מספיק".
Ok! So I was tagged by the beautiful @ovejuela a few weeks ago to join the #MyYogaBody movement. The gallery is soooo #inspiring! I'm glad to share my story. This is me, my mom-belly in all. I was also tagged my the ever-so-lovely @sweetvanessaleigh to tell all why I yoga so I'm combining them both! My body has been thru and has endured so much. I have been very hard on her too. I've treated this body like shit and told her really bad things. Something like, "omg! You're belly pooches out like your still pregnant!", "your legs are disgusting!" "Your face is so broke out, gross!" "You're lazy" "You're look so fat!" ...basically, when I heard a compliment, I didn't believe it! I smoked, I drank and many other things I did because I did not like me! Then with the deep, deep root-character, I continued this nonsense so much that I lost my #Self and covered it all up so much that I didn't have a clue how or why I was a #YOUnique person during the #iambeYOUtiful #igyogachallenge in October of last year. I realized then that I had a serious problem, that my own worst enemy lived between my two ears! So there I was, with a brand new baby girl, seeing all the beauty she is and hated the fact that she or my son would think any less of themselves or who they were because their own mom, who they ADORE did the same thing! Not cool. So I dove more onto my mat. And this is #WhyIDoYoga! I needed healing. I needed to merge my meditation practice with body movement and expression. I've learned that no one could save me but me. Some may say..."God can save you!" I would have to say yes, God can because God resides inside ME! That is where MY TRUTH resides. There is nothing exteriorly that will make me happy. Period. So I stopped. I stopped telling myself that I wasn't beautiful because I am, I'm actually really fucking beautiful but it's transcending from the inside-out! I still put my boxing gloves on everyday to deal with this mind of mine but I can tell you, #practiceandalliscoming! If you want REAL change, quit waiting around for your day to come, setting an intention is really awesome in all but ACTION is the only way...I do yoga to heal! This is me, this is #MyYogaBody������
A photo posted by Tai Tipton (@yogimom_taitip) on May 1, 2015 at 11:39am PDT
"'גוף היוגה' שלי הוא המגן שלי מפני הכאוס שבחוץ, הוא מגן עליי מפני כל הכאבים שיש בעולם".
I was nominated a while ago by the amazingly talented @laurasarlitto and @beaulieu_yoga to talk about #MyYogaBody. Life gets crazy QUICK, although there's no excuse, we get lost in the rush fairly easily. My yoga body helps me stay tuned, live in the moment. Each and every time I'm on my mat it's a gentle reminder to breath and let the prana wash over me. Take each moment as if it were a precious flower that has only one life to live before the next spring season. In doing this, we can drastically alter our perception in the reality we see each day. My yoga body is my shield, protecting me from all the chaos in the outside world. It has been my protector from hurt of all kinds, physical, emotional, mental. It has been there for me throughout it all, the good and the not so good, it's constantly working in my favor reminding me of my needs, nourishment, hydration, love, connection. We often get lost in this expectation of our bodies. We tend to go on about our days totally forgetting that our bodies are there every step of the way. We pass judgment on ourselves, we criticize ourselves and mentally beat ourselves up over little things that shouldn't matter. Meanwhile, we aren't giving ourselves the self love we are really craving. #MyYogaBody is a reminder to listen to my body and give it what it's needs. Being grateful for every cell that makes up my body. Every tiny job inside of me that's working in my favor, my muscles that move, my joints that connect, my eyes that see, my brain that computes. Love and be thankful for every inch of your body with all your heart because it will continue to be there by your side, working in your favor for the remainder of your life! #yoga #inspiration #body #gratitude #fulfillment #selflove
A photo posted by Amanda Rose ☮ #LiveintheOMent (@live.in.the.omment) on May 1, 2015 at 10:02am PDT
"אני אסירת תודה על הגוף שלי. הוא משלב עוצמה ורכות, ואין בזה שום בושה".
"אני לא מושלמת, אבל שואפת להשתפר בשביל עצמי ולא בשביל אף אחד אחד".
"אין 'גוף יוגה' אידאלי. כל אחת מאיתנו נראית אחרת".
"פעם התביישתי בשומנים שלי. היום אני גאה בהם!".
I was tagged by the beautiful @stop_drop_and_yoga to play #MyYogaBody �� I have always been self-conscious about my body. Since puberty, at the age of 11, I was always "curvier" than most girls my age. Even at times bullied for not being as thin as they were. I have always had thick legs and chunky arms. Most of my life I felt bad about my extra "meat." Now, today, I OWN my curves! I love my curves. I would not be me without my curves. I no longer try to be skinny or thin, I no longer look at the number on the scale. I focus on being healthy, feeling good, and loving the body God gave me. "When I look in the mirror the only one there is me. Every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be. And I know my creator didn't make no mistakes on me. My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes, I'm loving what I see!" - @indiaarie I ignorantly thought you had to be skinny and fit to practice yoga... boy was I wrong! Anyone can practice yoga. AnyBODY. I can with MY BODY. This is MY YOGA BODY. ��✨ I love my progress but I'm in love with the process �� my #yoga journey #Yogaeverydamnday #yogagirl #yogi #amazing #body #yogini #yogalove #look #instalike #igers #inspire #inspiration #myyogalife #yogapage #girl #soul #instagood #ilovemycurves #curves #bodypeace #love #curvygirl #webstagram #curvy #style #yogis #mind #loveyourself
A photo posted by - Trap Queen Yogi ����✨ (@amby.x3) on Apr 28, 2015 at 5:49pm PDT
"רק אחרי שילדתי בפעם הראשונה התחלתי לדאוג לגוף שלי. היוגה עזרה לגוף ולנפש שלי בדרכים שלא האמנתי שייתכנו בכלל".
This is #myyogabody and it's been through a lot. I abused my body with food and sloth for years. Only when I gave birth to my first child did I start to care about my body. I lost 125 lbs. between my first being born and conceiving my second. Between pregnancy and falling out of good habits and back into bad habits, by the time my second baby was two I had gained back 80 lbs. of the weight I had lost. After two c-sections and other hormonal struggles with pregnancy we decided to stop having children. Since approximately 2010 I have recommitted to my health and longevity and have lost 105 lbs. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. I know health doesn't ensure longevity, but I want to do all I can to live as much as I can. I have bumps, lumps, stripes, saggy skin and all of those things show you what I've overcome with nutrition and fitness, including yoga. Yoga helps my mind and body in ways I hadn't anticipated when I started. I wanted flexibily...I recieved centeredness, confidence, reduced anxiety, agility, improved recovery, patience, self acceptance and awareness, community, dedication and of course flexibility ���� I was tagged by @anahotaling sorry it took so long, love! Would @jazzy_pro like to share? #yoga #beginner #fitmom #fitness #progress #yogaeveryday #strength #flexibility #workinprogress #yogamom #progressnotperfection #yogafamily #yogaisfun #yogachallenges #fun #lovelife #alive #dedication #growth #balance #yogaeverydamnday #practicepracticepractice #practiceandalliscoming
A photo posted by Laura (@laurasalion) on Apr 27, 2015 at 5:27pm PDT
"יש לי מסמרים ופלטינות בכל הגוף, אבל היוגה שיפרה לי את הדימוי העצמי והעלימה לי את הכאבים".
"כשהציעו לי להצטרף לפרויקט 'גוף היוגה שלי' היססתי, אבל אז הבנתי שאי אפשר להיות חלק משינוי בעולם אם לא אוהבים את עצמנו".
When my friend @_natmaste invited me to share #MyYogaBody, I was hesitant to join but then I realized I can't help change the world if I can't accept myself as I am. Just like many others, I've struggled with body image ever since I was in grade school, and I spent most of my time standing in front of the mirror criticizing and degrading myself. This feeling of inadequacy grew into an obsession for perfection. I remember I used to draw on myself, just like a plastic surgeon would, trying to design a flawless body. I would think to myself, "I can't wait to afford all this cosmetic surgery so I can be beautiful, then I will be happy." I wanted a smaller nose, bigger lips, bigger chest smaller waist, bigger butt, smaller thighs, perfect hands and feet, higher cheek bones. I hated everything about myself, literally every inch. I wasn't skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or funny enough. So I made a list of everything I wanted to change and how I was going to do it. I wrote 5 pages. My self harming thoughts and actions towards myself manifested into an eating disorder and to be honest, my ego liked it. I had control. I had a strict diet - I started with eliminating one meal a day until it was nothing at all,I thought I was smart by weaning myself off food and I was good at hiding it but there's nothing smart, or loving, about starving yourself. Sometimes it's hard for me not to regret the way I treated my body, but now I appreciate it so much. I finally feel at home in my own skin. This body is my true home and I must learn to nourish it the same way it nourishes me! Everyone and every body is beautiful and unique. @yoga_girl said it best, "your body, the way it is now in this moment, is a good body. You have legs to walk you through the world, a mouth to speak with, a heart to feel, hands for touching. Your body is a miracle just the way it is. You are a miracle just the way you are." ❤ Love and light to all sentient beings throughout space. ��❤ If you or anyone you love has or is struggling with an eating disorder and would like to talk or have me just listen, please connect with me karmabhaktiyoga@gmail.com.
A photo posted by Dani (Shraddha) RYT-200 (@karma_bhakti) on Apr 27, 2015 at 11:28am PDT
"אהבה עצמית דורשת אומץ, והיא מעלה אותנו מדרגה של עצמות ובשר למשהו עילאי יותר".
last week @vvilca tagged me in the #myyogabody which is a beautiful movement to encourage self love and promote our love for each other. body image is a struggle everyone can relate to, it's hard to not be absorbed by an "ideal" image when photoshopped advertisements are literally plastered everywhere we look. but it's time more and more to look away from distortion to a physical truth and the truth is that we are beautiful in our own ways. i've struggled with my body image since i was young, i never thought i was beautiful, i never had the body i saw as perfect, i never even realized that beauty isn't something necessarily physical and this made me depressed for most of my life, hidden in a dark place within myself... self love is an act of courage and it transforms us into lighter beings beyond our skin and bones. some days i wake up and look at myself thinking i'm perfect how i am, other days i look in the mirror and tear apart the little details that only i would ever notice enough to term as a flaw but that's how life goes, continual waves of energy, thought and application. i love my body for its ability to hold me together when my head is falling apart, for its disproportionate attributes that remind me of how abstraction is pretty, for its ability to bear scars from my past that have shaped me into the person i am, for the beautiful canvas i've been given to display my artistic qualities in ink, for it's continual ability to bend into forms that seem beyond endurance and i am thankful for my body that gives my soul a home, my heart a chamber and my spirit a refuge from which i can share my journey. �� #namasté. �� #yogaMJ #gypsysoul #yogareflections #inversionjunkie #inspiredyogi #headstandvariation #sirsasana #tattooedyogi #beautifulsoul #yogalove #omsweetom
A photo posted by you can call me MJ♡ (@mjheart) on Apr 26, 2015 at 6:23pm PDT
"יש לי אנדומטריוזיס, דלקות קיבה חוזרות והתקפי חרדה, עברתי שני ניתוחים בברך - אבל היוגה נותנת לי כוח להמשיך הלאה וקדימה".
"'גוף היוגה שלי ואני לא יכולים לחיות בנפרד... אנחנו מאוהבים לחלוטין".
"לתרגל יוגה לא תמיד חמוד ולא תמיד חינני, אבל זה תמיד אמיתי וחזק".
"למרות שאני לא נראית כמו יוגיסטית קלאסית, הגוף שלי אדיר!".
"אחרי הרבה שנים של שנאה עצמית, החלטתי לאהוב את עצמי. אין בי פחד, ואני חייבת תשובות רק לעצמי ולא לאף אחד אחר".
"'גוף היוגה' שלי הוא גוף ששרד סרטן שחלות בדרגה 3".
"הגוף שלי עבר גיהנום מהיום שבו נולדתי, אבל היום הוא עושה תרגילים מסובכים בלי בעיה. אני אוהבת אותך, גוף!".
I was tagged by the inspiring @erica_whitman to join the #myyogabody movement, and this #ostomate couldn't resist. My body has been to hell and back since the day I was born with a crooked pelvis that led to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Years of constipation paralyzed my digestive tract from the bottom up, leaving me with an incredibly slow stomach aka gastroparesis, which makes eating and drinking very difficult and can cause my stomach to bloat up like I'm 8 months pregnant. I'll feel fill after just a couple bites of food, get nauseous but keep it down because throwing up scares the crap out of me. The stomach problems and chronic muscle tension I have have made me doubt my body, it's beauty, it's appearance. Isn't it weird I'm more self-conscious about showing you all my stomach than my #ileostomy Marvin? I don't mind the scars from the 2 #ostomy surgeries I begged for that saved my life. I wear them proudly, just like I'm showing Marvin proudly to all of you. He's my savior and even though we still have our struggles because it took too long to convince doctors what my gut knew would heal me, I love him and he loves yoga. This challenge came at the perfect time for me because I've had so much self-doubt lately, shaming my body...gastroparesis can make you feel 200lbs when you're barely 100lbs. But then I remember, this body has survived 2 major body-altering surgeries, multiple ER visits, 5 hospital stays, years of torture trying different meds and treatments that didn't work...Most of all, this body is strong, can practice yoga, can do fun arm balances, backbends, and my beloved handstands. That puts it all into perspective. Thank you body, I love you! I'm now tagging @ashleyrenae73 @love_wanderlust02 @yulady to join this amazing movement of strong yogis. Just use the hashtag #myyogabody and tag 3 friends to join. #ostomyyogi #livingwithanostomy #myyogalife #igyoga #yoga #yogainspiration #loveyourbody #yogiselflove #yogisofinstagram #getyourbellyout #gutlessandglamorous #stoma #loveyourself #loveandalliscoming #yogini #yogagirl #igyogafamily #igyogacommunity #yogamedicine #yogaheals #loveyoga #yogalove #iloveyoga #aimtrue #ostomates #ostomyselfie
A photo posted by Katie Schroeder (@stomiyogi) on Apr 18, 2015 at 11:16am PDT
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