כ-250 אלף תלמידים ניגשו היום (ה') לבחינת הבגרות באנגלית. אם הרגשתם שהמבחן היה קשה - אתם לא לבד: חיה יהלום, האחראית על תחום האנגלית ברשת קידום בגרויות, אומרת כי "החלק הספרותי היה לא קל. התלמידים נדרשו לידע מעמיק ביותר ביצירות. שאלון C היה קצת קשה בהתחשב בכך שהוא מיועד גם לתלמידי 3 יחידות. כל השאר היה ברמה סבירה". הצעת הפתרון של מורי קידום בגרויות:
פרק ראשון - הבנת הנקרא:
The Newton second-hand store
1. Way may a volunteer come to your house?
(3) To collect things you don't need.
2. Put a V by the two correct answers: What do we know about the store from lines 1-7?
(3) What kinds of items it sells.
(5) Where the store gets the items.
3. What do the volunteers do with the items before they put them in the store?
They clean and fix them
4. How does the store help young people in Newton?
(1) It gives money to the community center.
5. Why is it a good idea to shop in this store?
(2) The items are cheap.
6. Give one reason why people may want to call Dina.
- To volunteer
- To ask for a volunteer to come and take things from the house.
The fight against food waste
7. What do we learn about British families in lines 1-4?
(2) They waste food.
8. Why do people throw away good food? Give two reasons.
- Because of the confusing information on the food packing / It doesn't look fresh
- They buy more than they need.
9. People buy more food than they need because...
(1) The sales are attractive.
10. Put a V next to the two correct answers.
(4) Put clear information on packing
(5) Tell people how to keep food fresh
פרק שני: הבנת הנשמע
11. What makes young people feel stress?
(3) They worry about many things.
12. Why should young people go running with their friends?
(1) To be with people their age.
13. According to Ann, why should students stop studying for half an hour during the day?
(3) They can relax.
14. Why should young people eat salad?
(1) It makes them feel better.
15. Ann says that young people sleep:
(2) At night and during the day.
16. According to Ann, what ides may seem strange?
(3) Laughing help people deal with stress.
שאלון B
A special school
1. In lines 1-6 we learn (-)
(I) What is special about Barry's school.
2. Give ONE reason why sports is an important subject in the school. (lines 1-6)
Because a good education must always include physical exercise \\ students love sports.
3. According to Barry, students in other schools didn't like (-)
(II) studying
4. Why did Barry start his school? He wanted to (-)
(III) solve students' problem
5. How does sports help students? Give ONE way.
It makes them stronger \\ They have more energy \\ It helps them focus better on their studies
What is different about the sports coaches at Barry's school?
(iii) They go to other classes with the students.
(IV) They help students with their studies.
7. How do we know that Barry's school is successful? Give ONE answer.
90% of the students complete their studies \\ Last year, over 85% of them went to college.
שאלון C
The recycled orchestra
1. What do we learn about Amy Smith and Mary Lewis in lines 1-5?
(4) What their film was about.
2. What do we know about the people in Cateura?
(3) How they earn money.
3. What do we learn Chavez in lines 10-17?
(1) He is s musician from Cateura.
4. Why were Alvero and Chavez so happy they could build a violin?
Because a real violin costs more than a house in Cateura.
5. Why is the orchestra called The Recycled Orchsrta?
Because the instruments were built from objects collected from the garbage.
6. Give TWO ways that the people from Cateura helped Alvero and Chavez.
(1) They collected things from the garbage to make more musical instruments.
(2) Local musicians taught the children to play the various instruments.
7. How has the orchestra changed the lives of the children?
(3) They see a better life for themselves.
8. Give ONE way the project educates people.
It shows people a creative way to recycle garbage \\ It shows that even poor children can contribute to society.
The American film (-)
(3) made the orchestra famous
(5) gave Chavez a chance to explain his project
שאלון D, Option 2
שימו לב: התשובות הן ל- option 2 בלבד. התשובות הן בגדר המלצה,
פתרונות נוספים עשויים להתקבל.
Part one
A. Thank you, Ma'm/ Langston Hughes
1. At the beginning of the story, Roger tries to:
(2) steal Mrs. Jones' bag.
2. What do we know about Roger's life?
He is poor and doesn't have anyone that takes cares of him.
3. When Mrs. Jones takes Roger to her house, she:
(3) gives him a meal.
4. Why do you think the story is called "thank you, Ma'm"? give information from the story to support your answer.
Because in the end of the story Roger wants to thank Mrs. Jones and say "Thnak you, Ma'm" but he cant ever say it because he is so moved by what she had done.
5. Mrs. Jones tells Roger, "I have done thing, too, which I would not tell you, son... Everybody's got something in common"? how does this quote change our opinion of Mrs. Jones? Give information from the story to support your answer.
In the beginning she wants to teach him right from wrong and she is angry at him so we think that she doesn't understand him and that she always did only good things but here our perspective changes and we understand that she knows exactly where he comes from because she had been there too.
6. (a) "When they were finished eating, she got up and said, 'Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes.'" Why do you think she did this?
She wants to show him that he doesn't need to steal. He can just ask. She cared about him.
(b) "The woman did not watch the boy to see if he was going to run now..." What effect did this have on Roger? Give information from the story to support your answer.
It showed him that she trusted him and he was surprised that after he had tried to steal from her, she still trusted him. That's way he even sits where to show her he is worth her trust.
Part two
B. The road not taken/ Robert Frost
7. According to the first stanza of the poem, what is the speaker sorry about?
(2) That he can't take both roads.
8. What decision does the traveler make in lines 6-10?
He chooses the road less people have walked on.
9. What does the speaker tell us about the two roads?
(2) What they looked like.
10. Quote the line(s) that tell us what the speaker will feel about his decision in the future.
"I shall be telling this with a sign".
11. In the poem, the speaker must make a decision. How is the way the speaker makes his decision similar to the way we make many decisions in our lives? Give information from the poem to support your answer.
When we have to make decisions in life we look at our options and decide which ones are better. Sometimes we look at what other people do and we either do the same or not. That's what the speaker does. He looks at the roads and choses the one that less people have walked on.
12. (a) What can we infer from the beginning of the poem about the speaker's ability to make choices? Give information from the poem to support your answer.
We can infer that it's hard for him because he is alone ,when he says "and be one traveler...".It also takes him a long time to decide"...long I stood" and he doesn't do it spontaneously .He thinks of his potions before he decides " looked down one as far as I could".
(b) At the end of the poem, how does the speaker feel about the choice he has made?
(Any answer regret elief is accepted)
Regret-because the name of the poem is The Road Not Taken, we know he thinks about the road he didn't take.He still wonders how things could have been different.
Relief- the name The Road Not Taken means that he made his choice and he is happy about it.
Part three
14. Grandmother/ Sameeneh Shirazie
There is a tendency to think of older people as worthless because they no longer have jobs. It is easy to forget how much we can learn from them and how much they can contribute to a household` all that is needed is needed is a kind word.
Make a connection between the above description and the poem. Give information from the poem to support your answer.
In the beginning of poem the grandchild doesn't mean to stop and talk too much with the grandmother. But when the grandmother starts talking, she understands that grandmother does a lot during the day and it's hard for her. She says the towel is heavy when it's wet and tells how hard it is to put out the mattress.
In the quote it says that we- like the grandchild in the poem-tend to forget how much we can learn from old people and that they can contribute a lot to everybody-to the household. All the old people ask for in return is a kind word -something that the poet almost didn't give her grandmother.
שאלון E
Art in the olympics
Part one
1. What do we learn from lines 1-6 about the Olympic Games?
(3) How they changed.
2. What are we told in lines 7-14?
(2) How Stanton got information about the subject.
(6) Why Coubertin founded the modern Olympics.
3. Why does the writer mention that athletic achievements could be measured objectively? Give ONE answer according to lines 15-23. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE.
He does this to explain why modern Olympics include athletic achievements only \\ the inclusion of the arts in the modern Olympics was very problemtics.
4. What do we learn from lines 15-23 about the art competitions?
(2) How the winners were chosen
5. What information is given about all the critics mentioned in lines 21-23?
(3) Why they were against the art competitions.
6. What was the "decision" that is referred to in lines 26?
Removing the art competitions from the games.
7. According to line 31, today artists "can contribute to the unique atmosphere of the Games." How can they do that? Give ONE answer from lines 24-31.
By exhibitions \\ festivals \\ the cultural Olympiad.
8. Stanton worked very hard to collect the information for his book. Copy a sentence or a phrase from the article that shows this.
Spent ten years doing research for the book \\ Reading thousands of old documents and archives
Part 2
9. What did the study which was done in England show?
(3) How common sleep problems are.
10. According to Dr. Milner, what may prevent people from sleeping well? Give ONE answer.
They are bothered by noise \\ They are in stress \\ They plan for the next day.
11. According to Dr. Milner, what may happen to people who don't sleep well? Give ONE answer. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE.
They may find it hard to keep up daily routine \\ have less energy \\ have difficulty concentrating.
12. What does Dr. Milner say about sleeping pills?
(1) They are not always helpful.
13. According to Dr. Milner, what can help you get enough sleep?
(4) Following a regular sleep routine.
14. According to Dr. Milner, the quality of your sleep may improve if you avoid (-)
(3) Eating certain foods before going to bed.
שאלון F
שימו לב: התשובות הן ל- option 2 בלבד. התשובות הן בגדר המלצה, פתרונות נוספים עשויים להתקבל.
Part one
1. Give TWO reasons why George is dissatisfied with his life.
He doesn't have enough money. He doesn't have a job\\ He doesn't have a nice house
2. What was the rumor that went around the neighborhood after George's first conversation with Mr. Cattanzara?
That George was reading 100 books to complete his education.
3. "For a few weeks he (George) had talked only once with Mr. Cattanzara, and though the change maker had said nothing more about the books, asked no question, his silence made George a little uneasy". Why did Mr. Cattanzara's silence make George "a little uneasy"?
Because he knew he lied to him and did nothing to change the situation. George wasn't sure Mr. C really believed him.
4. George " had never exactly disliked the people in it (the neighborhood), yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighborhood." How does George's attitude towards the people in his neighborhood reflect his character in general? Give information from the story to support your answer.
Answer: Thinking skill: Explaining patterns.
George always blames others for things he doesn't do. When he quit school he blamed the teachers because he felt they didn't respect him. In addition he didn't go to summer school because the kids were too young.
a. "That same night a man on a street corner asked him if it was true that he had finished reading so mamy books, and George admitted he had. The man said it was a wonderful thinf for a boy his age to read so much."
How do you think this meeting with the man made George feel about Mr. Cattanzara? Give information from the story to support your answer.
Answer: He appreciated Mr.C and was thankful to him because George understood that he didn't tell him. George was sure that everyone knew he lied, but later understood that Mr.C didn't shame him.
b. Why do you think these feelings motivated George to go to the library at the end of the story?
Answer: Maybe because he understood that he could not keep on lying and it made him understand that he had gotten a second chance.
Part two
B. ALL MY SONS \ Arthur Miller
6. The tree is important for the play because (-)
)I( it was planted in Larry's memory.
7. Why has Ann come to visit the Kellers?
To marry Chris.
8. In Act I, Chris says to his parents, "..We're like at a railroad station waiting for a train that never comes in." What does Chris mean by this? Give information from the play about TWO characters to support your answer.
Chris means that the family is waiting for Larry who will never come back. To him, the family never went on with its life. Everything stopped the day Larry was reported missing. We can see that Kate still waits for Larry. She polishes Larry's shoes- they are ready for him to wear.
Chris never took up his life either. He doesn't go on with his life. He can't marry Ann unless Kate agrees because according to Kate Ann is Larry's girl and she should wait for him.
9. How do Chris's values change from the beginning to the end of the play?
Give information from the play to support your answer.
Chris seems to be an idealist. A man who believes in brotherhood and in living in a society in which people care for each other. However he turns out to be a "phony idealist"- as Sue calls him.
He compromises and he is ready not to turn his father to the police even though he is aware of his father's crime. He even admits he became like everybody else because he suspected his father and did nothing about it.
10. Money is a central theme in the play. Discuss this theme as it relates to ONE of the following characters: Joe, Sue, Jim. Give information from the play to support your answer.
Thinking skill: uncovering motives.
Joe- money is a central thing in Joe's life. He wants to make money for his family.
In order to make more money and because he didn't want to lose his contract with the army, he told Steve to ship the cracked cylinders.
Sue- Thinking skill: causes and effect.
Sue wants money- and a lot. She urges her husband, who is a doctor, to visit his patients so he can make more money. In addition she hates Chris because he has a "bad" influence on Jim. Jim wants to do research but Sue objects to it since you can make much more money as a doctor than as a researcher.
Jim- Thinking skill: causes and effect.
He isn't really interested in money. He wants to do research in order to help humanity. Nevertheless, he works as a doctor because his wife wants him to make more money.
a. In Act I, Kate says, 'There's no jail here! I want you to stop that jail business!"
Why doesn't Kate want Joe to talk about jail? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Kate doesn't want to talk about jail because she wants the neighbors to stop talking about the case. But as long as Joe keeps playing policeman with the kids there is no chance they will stop talking about it.
b. " Kid. Walkin' down the street that day I was guilty as hell. Except I wasn't, and there was a court paper in my pocket to prove I wasn't..."
What can we infer about Joe from this behavior? Give information from the play to support your answer.
We can understand that Joe is a person who doesn't care about what people say about him. The day he came home from jail he didn't hide. He wants everybody to see him. He isn't ashamed of himself because he is sure he did the right thing for the sake of his family.
Part three
"Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time." - Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet.
Make a connection between the above quote and the story. Give information from the story to support your answer.
The quote says that things change. Children born in another time may learn different things and parents and teachers sould not limit them to what they have learnt. In the story the father doesn't understand why his son studies things he hasn't. Only later when the father goes to his class and meets the teacher he understands that things have changed. He sees germs. He understands that there are things that exist even though we don't see them. In addition, the father understands that the way of teaching has changed too.
20. THE ROAD NOT TAKEN \ Robert Frost
"in the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves... And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Make a connection between the above quote and the poem. Give information from the poem to support your answer.
Answer: The quote says that people have to make their own choices and stand behind them. We are responsible for our choices which shape our live. We should also be content with the choices we make. In the poem the traveler says " this has made all the difference".
It means that the decision he made to choose one road and not the other has changed his whole life. In addition it has determine his future.
שאלון G
Food waste: a global problem
1. In lines 1-9, the writer mentions several standards concerning (-)
(3) The appearance of fruit and vegetables.
2. In lines 10-21, the writer presents (-)
(4) Finding reported by the FAO.
3. Dr. van Holten makes the point that (-)
(2) Too much of the food grown is wasted.
4. Dr. van Holten says, "And those are just two examples" (lines 21) Two examples of WHAT?
The environment impact of food waste.
5. The main subject of lines 22-31 is (-)
(4) The causes of food waste.
6. According to lines 35, "activist groups are pressuring supermarkets to change their policies." Give TWO changes they might want supermarkets to make. Base your answers on information in two other paragraphs. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES
(1) They might want supermarkets to: sell smaller packages.
(2) They might want supermarkets to: change the standards of the appearance of fruits and vegetables \\ sell fruit and vegetables that don't look perfect.
7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the last paragraph (lines 32-40)
(3) Everyone can help.