לכל צלקת יש סיפור. וצלמת בריטית בת 24 בשם סופי מאיין (Sophie Mayanne) שמה לה למטרה לספר את הסיפורים האלה בסדרת תמונות "מאחורי הצלקות".
מאיין עובדת על הפרויקט כבר שנתיים, מאז 2016, שבינתיים הפך לקמפיין המקדם דימוי גוף חיובי וקבלה עצמית ברשתות החברתיות. הצלמת סיפרה ל"Insider" כי הסדרה החלה כפרויקט מערכתי וצברה תאוצה ככל שעבר הזמן. "המשכתי איתו כי אנשים תמכו בו", סיפרה, וכעת היא עורכת צילומים חודשיים. בתחילה היא ערכה שיחות טלפוניות למציאת המצולמים, אך כעת השמועה כבר עברה מפה לאוזן והם מגיעים אליה.
#behindthescars Abi “I was diagnosed with a rare and extremely aggressive form of cancer called Osteosarcoma when I was 27 years old. Doctor’s think that I had the tumour since I was 26. My right arm was aching whilst I was sleeping - everyone I would chop vegetables, and get dressed. I went to see a chiropractor - he moved my arm around and I screamed very loudly. He just said that I had damaged my muscle and said I was very dramatic. Unknown to him, what lay behind my “dramatic” scream was something quite sinister. I was living in South Africa, Cape Town and had recently received my visa to live there. I was working with ant-sex trafficking victims and supporting abused women and children. I had just started helping out at a support group, when one of the girls approached me and said “Hey, you don't know me very well, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve had 3 vivid dreams about you in a row now. In them you come to my house, and when I wake up I feel God’s presence, so I really feel that you need to come to my house.” I’m quite a spiritual person, and had dreams in my childhood that had come true, so I thought I'd go and see her. The day I went to her house she wasn’t actually in. as I was walking out of her courtyard, I had a sense that her dog was going to go for me. The dog looked chilled, so I just shut the gate and as I put my hand through the gate to lock it, I heart the dog bark, and jump up to bite m, so I gently jumped back and my arm completely snapped as I landed. My friend took me to the Doctors. I was sent for a scar and it showed that I had a very clean break. The Doctor’s face dropped when she saw my scan. she booked me in to see another Doctor the next morning. I was in so much pain I didn’t really question why I was seeing another Doctor. When I saw him the following morning he asked me a lot of the typical cancer questions - Have you lost weight, have you passed blood, and so on. He said something had been eroding my bone- my heart was pounding thinking of all the things it could possibly be. He then said those dreaded words that literally took my breath away - you most probably have cancer. Continued in comments
A post shared by SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) on Jan 5, 2018 at 11:44am PST
כל פוסט נכתב בכנות גדולה ונשאר גולמי ככל האפשר. כדי להבטיח זאת, הצלמת מבקשת מהמצולמים לכתוב את תיאורם בכתב יד ביום הצילום.
כל סיפור הוא ייחודי. ישנם סיפורים מעוררי השראה על התגברות על מחלות. וסיפורים על הינצלות מתאונות דרכים קשות. לעתים אנשים חושפים התמודדות עם מחלות נפש ומכאובים.
"התמונות האלה חשובות כי הן מראות שהחלמה אפשרית - ואני חושבת שזה חשוב לאנשים אחרים שחווים בעיות נפשיות או מזיקים לעצמם לראות ייצוג ויזואלי של אנשים אחרים שחוו חוויות דומות", היא אומרת.
>> לייק בפייסבוק כבר עשיתם?
#behindthescars Yasmin “My tumour changed my life in so many ways. A life changing operation to remove the tumour, the size of a grapefruit gave me self acceptance on a level that was truly unconditional. In 2012 I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cancer wasn’t an issue, what was was the discovery of a huge tumour. It was benign, but sizeable. Attached to my liver, a bunch of nerves and my main artery to my leg. Five hours of surgery, a deflated hung, my diaphragm put on halt, a bypass with my insides out on a table. My fear going into surgery was the long term affects and how my body would recover. Will my boyfriend still love me, will he still find me attractive, will any man find me acceptable to look at? The truth was, it taught me to love myself hard, without compromise. Inside and out, there was a journey of total acceptance. My amazing body had not failed me yet, so who was I to not love it back for keeping me alive? The message is simple - we are provided with a beautiful vessel to carry our soul. It works so hard to support us daily - the love I have for my body is insurmountable. It allows me to be my glorious self - I am a very lucky girl.” @missyasminibrahim
A post shared by SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) on Dec 9, 2017 at 5:08am PST
רבים מהמצולמים לא רואים בצלקות שלהם פגמים, אלא חלקים אהובים בעצמם. ואם תהיתם אם לסופי יש צלקת משלה, אז לא, אין לה, אבל היא עוזרת לאנשים אחרים. "לפני שהתחלתי את הפרויקט הזה, לא באמת הבנתי את הכוח שיש לתמונה". ואין לה שום כוונה להפסיק, למעשה, היא מתכננת להקים אתר שיוקדם לנושא וגם להוציא ספר שיאגד את התמונות והסיפורים.
עוד ב- mako בריאות :
>> זו כנראה תרופת הסבתא הכי הזויה - שבאמת עובדת >> חלום: איך לאכול מהכול, לרזות ולשמור על המשקל >> הסיבה המזעזעת שבגללה אסור לכם להחניק עיטוש
#behindthescars Lucia “I was born with five holes in my heart and have been wearing my zipper since I was 2 weeks old. I had my second lot of open heart surgery at 2 years old and my third lot at 26 (6 months ago!) because my heart was too big. Oh the irony of having a big heart - physically and metaphorically! I have truly been on a heart journey my whole life, and my scars are a reminder that I am strong and can do anything. When I was little my parents did the worrying for me, but having my 3rd lot of surgery this year, I have really understood the strength and beauty of my scar. It’s me! To have an open heart is a true gift in life, and I’m lucky enough to have been opened 3 times. I used to not even be able to say the word scar- as if it was something evil and ugly, but now I see it as a beautiful word. The older I get, the more honoured I feel to be a part of the exclusive “zipper club” and yes, as a woman, it has been hard wearing a scar down the middle of my chest, by my breasts. (one of the sexiest parts of your body!) - but the way I see it is that I’m so abstract, Picasso would want to paint me!” @luccidarling
A post shared by SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) on Oct 15, 2017 at 1:19pm PDT
#behindthescars Felicity "My body is, and has always been scattered with freckles and moles. Too many to keep track of. Last year I noticed one had changed and seemed darker and more misshapen than before. I saw several doctors, all of whom said it was nothing to worry about - but I pushed to get tested and was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma insitu. Luckily this is the very early stage of skin cancer, so it was caught with plenty of time. It was treated by removing 5mm of skin from the area. At the time I just felt so relieved. However, this summer I again noticed a mole looked darker and misshapen. This time round I was more anxious, stressed and very scared. Again I was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma. This time it was further along in its growth, meaning I had to have 1cm of skin removed. It’s very rare to be diagnosed twice at such a young age, and hearing the world “melanoma” and “cancer” really shook me. I’m so grateful that my skin cancer was caught early - the scars are a small price to pay. They will always be a reminder of how lucky I am, and how short life can potentially be. I would rather have a body adorned with scars, and the hope of a future - than an early death and a flawless corpse.”
A post shared by SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) on Oct 13, 2017 at 12:14pm PDT
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