רוצים לקבל עדכונים על פתרון בחינות הבגרות הבאות? הצטרפו לחדשות 2 בפייסבוק
(שלוש יחידות) MODULE A
1) Jim wrote to Susan because he wanted____
ii) help with his writing
2) What do we learn about the letters that Susan gets?
i) Who writes them
iv) What they are about.
3) Susan mentions historical novels to give Jim an example of the books ____
iii) he should read.
4) According to Susan , what can Jim learn from reading?
Answer: About different cultures //About different ways to write.
5) According to lines 12-15, Jim can improve his writing if he _____
ii) goes to a writing class.
6) What advice does Susan give Jim in lines 12-15?
i) To choose when to write.
7) What problem do the farmers in Africa have?
i) Many elephants eat what farmers grow.
8) How do African farmers try to keep elephants out of their fields?
i) They make frightening noises.
9) Dr. King found out that elephants _____
iii) are frightened by bee sounds.
10) What did the elephants do when they heard the bees?
Answer: They ran away //They made a special sound to warn other elephants.
11) What is Dr. King's solution to the farmers' problem ?
Answer: To put/Putting beehives around their fields//Farmers can put beehives around their fields.
12) How does Dr. King 's discovery make things better for the farmers and for the elephants?
Answer: 1) For the farmers:They will have more food.
2) For the elephants :Fewer elephants will die.
MODULE B (שלוש יחידות)
1) Why did Paul Harkin start the project?
Answer: Because he decided to teach the geography subject in a more interesting way.
2) The students asked the people who find the bottles to write -
i) the date they found the bottle.
v) the place where they found the bottle
3) Why did the students have to throw the bottles into a deep part of the ocean?
Answer: In deep water the currents are strong enough to carry the bottles long distances.
4) What do we learn in lines 12-17?
ii) How long it took to get answers to the messages.
5) The students "wait impatiently for answers from Europe ".How do they know that the letters could come from Europe?
i) They learnt that the currents could carry the bottles to Europe.
6) Paul Harkin is happy when his students say that-
iii) people wrote back to them.
7) How do students feel about the project?
1) They enjoy studying geography in this exciting way
2) They love to discover how far the currents carry the bottles.//They always wait impatiently for answers from Europe.
MODULE C (שלוש וארבע יחידות)
1) What does the writer explain in lines 1-3?
iii) What daydreaming is.
2) Daydreaming may have a negative effect if we -
i) do it many times during the day.
3) Driving is mentioned in lines 4-8 as an example of a situation-
ii) when we must focus on what we are doing.
4) Why was Dr.Berger surprised by what she discovered?
Because before her study she thought that the brain is 'asleep' while we are daydreaming.
5) How is our brain activity while daydreaming different from our brain activity while doing routine work?
When we daydream parts of the brain are more active.
6) In her second study, Dr.Berger discovered that people who daydream find solutions to problems. What did she discover in her first study that explains this?
Answer: Parts of the brain that are responsible for problem solving are very active when our thoughts wander
7) How does Dr.Berger explain the effect daydreaming has on creativity?
Answer: Daydreaming allows the brain to make new associations between ideas.
8) How did some companies benefit from Dr.Berger's studies?
i) The companies were more successful.
9) In line 20 the writer says :"during that time". What is the time he is talking about?
Answer: The break from work during the day to let employees daydream //The time of daydreaming..
10) In lines 21-27 the writer gives examples of how daydreaming can help us-
iii) change our behavior
vi) do difficult things.
MODULE D (ארבע יחידות)
1) What can we understand about Andy from lines 1-5?
iv) Why he became a voice actor.
2) In line 3, we are told that Andy is a "talented voice actor".What special talent helps him in his work?
Answer: He has a good ear for the way people speak//He can imitate tones and accents.
3) What does Andy explain in lines 8-13?
ii) What voice actors do.
v) How listening to conversations helps him.
4) Which types of work as a voice actor does Andy prefer?
Answer: Recording /To record a children's story.
5) What does Andy explain about his workday?
Answer: He explains why his work day is so long// he spends 9 to 12 hours in the recording studio.
6) In lines 15-18, Andy gives information about__
i) the preparations for recording a text.
7) In lines 20-25, Andy explains how hard it was for him to get his first job (as a voice actor)
8) From the last sentence in the interview we learn why Andy loves his job/profession // is never bored in his job.
MODULE E (ארבע וחמש יחידות)
1) What do we learn from lines 1-5?
iii) Why the museum needs Marshall.
v) What kinds of behavior interest Marshal.
2) According to Anne Clement ,museums today are different from museums in the past in -
i) the goals they set.
3) Distributing questionnaires is one way that museums use to monitor people's reactions.
4) Fourteen galleries in the Delroy Museum were "recently redesigned"(line 20). What process is taking place at the museum following this redesign?
(1) The museum wants to find out if the redesign was successful.
(2) Therefore ,Marshall collects data (about people's reactions to it).
(3) The data he provides will be analyzed.
(4) As a result,the museum may make further changes.
5) What can we understand from the description of Marshall's work?
ii) Why Marshall's job requires patience.
6) In line 15 we are told Marshall takes "detailed notes". According to the information in lines 1-5,these notes might be about-
iii) the conversations between visitors.
7) What do most visitors to the Delroy Museum think about being observed?
They think that it should be evaluating itself//is a good idea// is necessary/important.
MODULE F (חמש יחידות)
1) What can we understand about Andy from the introduction?
iv) Why he became a voice actor.
2) What does Andy explain in his first answer?
iii) Which types of work he prefers to do.
v) How he uses his talent in his work.
3) In his second answer, Andy describes -
ii) the various stages in making a recording.
4) What does a person need in order to be a voice actor?
Lines 7-13: The ability to mimic intonations and accents//invent a voice for a new role.
Lines 16-21: The ability to produce high quality performances without much practice.
5) In lines 23-25,Andy explains what he did in order to get his first job (as a voice actor).
6) Andy mentions "diversity" to explain why he enjoys/likes/loves his job //is never bored in his job.
MODULE G (חמש יחידות)
1) What was the goal of the group that met in San Francisco?
II) To suggest subjects for the Foundation's awards.
2) What do we learn about incentive prizes from lines 8-17?
iii) They proved to be useful.
vi) Some of them had unexpected effects.
3) What did the incentive prizes offered by RASE and Sallotech have in common?
Answer: Their impact has gone beyond their original purposes.//There were many various responses to them//They generated a wealth of creative ideas.
4) In what way is the Sallotech competition similar to most competitions analyzed in the Harvard study?
Answer: Its winners were from outside the specific field .//weren't professionals in the field
5) What is the "trend" referred to line 30?
Answer: Governments around the world turning to incentive prizes// Governments around the world have recently begun turning to incentive prizes.
6) Thomas Kalil explains why government involvement in incentive prizes isn't affected by political considerations.// government involvement in incentive prizes isn't a problem.// government involvement in incentive prizes can be positive.
7) Which of the following points does the writer make in lines 27-37?
iv) Governments involvement in incentive prizes might be problematic.
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