MODULE A (לשלוש יח"ל)
1.What will the videos be about?
ii)How learning will help students in the future.
2.Each student can decide how long the video will be.
3.Students who participate in the video contest
iii)have to be in high school.
4.Students will be able to get help from
i)their teachers.
5.Where can people see the videos?
On the city internet site
6.Who will choose the winner?
Three judges.
7.The prize is a scholarship for college.
8.Why did the scientists put wallets in the streets?
They wanted to see what people do when they find a wallet.
9.What did Dr.Baker put in some of the wallets?
ii)A picture of a dog.
10.What did Dr.Baker put in all the wallets?
i)His address.
11.The scientists were surprised because many people
iii)returned the wallets they found.
12 .What does Dr.Baker say about the results of the experiment?
ii)Some pictures have an influence on people
13.According to Dr.Baker ,what should you have in your wallet ?
A picture of a cute baby
MODULE B (לשלוש יח"ל)
Teenagers and Smoking
1.What was one of the findings in Dr.Clark's surveys?
ii)In 2003 , fewer teenagers smoked than in 1997.
2.The findings reported by Dr.Clark in America were also found in other places.
Copy the words in lines 1-9 that show this.
Many countries around the world) reported similar findings.)
3.According to lines 10-14 ,how did anti-smoking advertisements influence teenagers?
i)Teenagers did not begin to smoke.
4.According to Dr.Clark, teenagers smoked less because
iii)they learned about the dangers of smoking.
v)they could not smoke in many places.
5.One of Dr.Clark's findings was the same in his surveys in 2003 and in 2009.
What was this finding?
20% of teenagers (still) smoked.
6.What did Dr.Clark hope to find in his survey in 2009?
That fewer teenagers smoked.
7.How does Dr.Clark explain the results of his 2009 survey?
ii)There was less money for anti-smoking advertisements.
8.What can parents do to help fight teenage smoking? Give ONE answer according to the interview.
They can tell their children about the dangers of smoking//Parents can give their children more information about the dangers of smoking//Parents should not smoke// Parents should stop smoking.
MODULE C (לשלוש יח"ל וארבע יח"ל)
1.What is the main idea in lines 1-5?
ii)There are people who can find out a lot about cell phone users.
2.What do we learn about Mark Davis in lines 6-11?
iv)His parents agreed to stop tracking him.
3.According to lines 12-15,what do advertising companies want to know?
ii)Where people are at any time.
iv)What things people are interested in.
4.The writer brings the example of the teenagers in lines 12-15 to show
i)how advertising companies use cell phone information.
5.Sloan is worried because
ii)the privacy of cell phone users is not protected.
6.According to Sloan, sensitive information
iv)is not protected enough against spying.
7.According to Sloan, before advertising companies start to track people, they should first get their permission (to use their cell phone information.)
8.Give ONE advantage of tracking mentioned in this report.
Worried parents know where their children are spending their time//Parents can track their children's driving habits and warn them against danger//It is possible to track people who are involved in car accidents // It is possible to track people in case of emergency//People want to receive advertisements that are relevant to them.
9.Why does the writer think that tracking will continue? Give ONE reason.
Many people are interested in it//Technology makes it possiblle
10.According to the writer ,what needs to be done about tracking?
There should be clear laws about it // There should be very clear laws about who is allowed to do the tracking and for what purposes.
11.Another title of this report could be
iii)Someone is Tracking You.
MODULE D (לארבע יח"ל)
1.What did McCourt tell his students to write about?
Their own lives/life
2.According to McCourt, what problem did teaching create for him?
Because he was a teacher ,he didn't have much time to write.
3.What does Mary Heller explain in lines 9-11?
She explains why McCourt told the/his students stories (instead of teaching them).
4.In lines 12-18 ,the writer gives information about McCourt's
i)personal background
v)professional training.
5.What do McCourt's books Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man have in common?
Both books are about McCourt's life experience //about McCourt's personal experiences.
6.According to lines 19-25, McCourt's former students
iv)expected him to become famous.
7.What information is given in lines 19-25 about Angela's Ashes?
ii) McCourt wrote it after he stopped teaching.
8.Angela's Ashes was a big success .Copy asentence or a phrase from lines 19-25 that shows this.
It immediately became an international bestseller//It won a number of important awards//It was made into a movie.
MODULE E (לחמש יח"ל וארבע יח"ל)
1.From lines 1-4 we learn about
ii)the subject of the study.
2.In lines 5-7 we are told (-) the experiment was done.
3.What information does the writer provide about the experiment in lines 7-11?
He gives the findings /results of the experiment.
4.The words "these differences"(line12)refer to the differences in
5.In lines 8-11,the writer provides some information .In line 12-17 ,Prof.Bennett
i)gives an explanation of this information
6.Prof.Bennett mentions "tasks that demand careful attention to detail"(lines 15-16)
Give ONE such task from another paragraph.
Remembering a list of words //Finding spelling mistakes.
7.What do we learn from lines 12-17 about the color blue?Give ONE answer.
We learn why it causes a general feeling of calmness //makes people more creative.
8.According to lines 18-25 ,more research is needed because
ii)Prof. Bennett's study only focused on red and blue.
vi)different people may react differently to the same color.
MODULE F (לחמש יח"ל)
1.From lines 1-6 we can understand that McCourt told his students they should tell their life stories //write about their life experience.
2.What do we learn about McCourt from lines 7-14?
iii)His teaching affected his writing career.
3.In the quotation in lines 11-13 , McCourt explains why he told (his students) stories instead of teaching .
4.In lines 15-22, the writer provides information about McCourt's
ii)personal background.
v)professional training.
5.What do McCourt's books Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man have in common ?
They both describe his personal experience//They both relate to his personal life.
6.Give ONE thing we learn about Angela's Ashes from lines 26-33.
We learn why the book was praised by critics//became a best seller overnight .
7.According to lines 26-33 McCourt's former students
iv)agreed with the critics' opinion of him.
MODULE G (לחמש יח"ל)
1.What is the AAS trying to change
iii)The way the sciences are taught in high schools.
2.We can understand that in Bug Attack the students play the role of
iii)the doctor.
3.What does Dr.Davis explain in lines 10-17?Give TWO answers.
He explains what is being done to challenge and interest students in science classes//the purpose of the series of video games is //could be the result of the shortage of scientists //may happen as a result of the shortage of scientists//has caused the AAS to change their approach.
4.Ms.Harris and Prof. Cowan are mentioned in lines 18-30 in order to show the different opinions about /regarding the project //that the praise for the project has not been unanimous// that the reactions to the project are both positive and negative.
5.Which of the following could be the subject of the "further research"mentioned in line 31?Choose your answer according to information in lines 18-30.
iii)How the AAS program affects the students' ability to use textbooks.
6)What can we understand from Dr.Davis about the AAS project ?Give ONE answer.
We can understand why the benefits of the AAS program may outweigh its negative effects //further research is needed.
7)According to the article, what is the "national problem "referred to in line 34?
Shortage of scientists
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